Vectra 3D for Dogs: 6-in-1 Treatment
Vectra 3D for dogs is an advanced and highly potent formula that repels and kills as many as six vectors, namely; fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, lice, mites (excluding mange) and biting and sand flies. This fast-acting solution begins reducing flea feeding within 5 minutes and takes about 6 hours to destroy all fleas. Vectra 3D kills fleas by contact and not by it having to bite. Furthermore, ticks that transmit dangerous diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain fever are eliminated. This solution controls the development of all flea stages for one month.

NexGard Blue is a beef-flavored, soft chewable tablet for medium dogs that weigh 10.1-24 lbs for treatment and prevention of flea and tick infestations.

NexGard for Medium Dogs is the ideal monthly flea and tick prevention solution designed specifically for medium dogs weighing 10.1-24 lbs. These beef-flavored, soft chewable tablets offer effective treatment and prevention of flea and tick infestations in dogs and puppies aged 8 weeks and older, for one month. Trusted by veterinarians, NexGard quickly eliminates adult fleas and controls various tick species, including American dog tick, brown dog tick, lone star tick, longhorned tick as well as black-legged tick that cause Lyme disease infection in dogs. NexGard chewable tablet for dogs 10.1-24 lbs is formulated to provide tailored protection for your canine companion.
NexGard Blue for Medium Dogs is an ideal product for medium-sized dogs with Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) because of their rapid flea killing abilities. For dogs allergic to fleas, monthly treatment with NexGard should be continued throughout the year without interference.

Heartgard Plus Medium Dogs
Heartgard Plus Chewables for Medium Dogs 26 -50 lbs (Green) is specifically formulated to provide effective heartworm prevention. It has been designed in a real-beef flavor chewable tablet, recommend for dogs 6 weeks of age and older. These chewable tablets contain ivermectin and pyrantel, targeting and eliminating heartworm larvae and intestinal parasites in dogs weighing 26-50 lbs. With Heartgard Plus Green, pet parents can ensure their canine companions receive essential protection against heartworm disease and intestinal parasites, all in a convenient and palatable chewable form.

Frontline Monthly Topical Spot On for Cats
Frontline Top Spot is a monthly topical spot on treatment for all breeds of cats. It provides protection against fleas and flea infestations. It controls flea allergy dermatitis and biting lice on cats. The fast acting treatment kills fleas within 24 hours of application. Moreover, it is suitable to use on 8 weeks and older kittens and cats and remains effective for 4 weeks.

FRONTLINE® Gold for Cats’ triple action formula kills adult fleas, flea eggs and larvae, and ticks for a full month. Regular use of FRONTLINE® Gold for Cats controls and prevents flea infestations and works to break the flea life cycle with its three active ingredients – fipronil, (S)-methoprene and pyriproxyfen. (Reference: *Data on file at Boehringer Ingelheim.)

Protect your cat with the number 1 name in flea and tick protection.(1) FRONTLINE Plus flea and tick control for cats and kittens is a long-lasting, fast-acting, waterproof flea and tick treatment proven to kill adult fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, chewing lice and ticks. This flea and tick treatment kills ticks that may transmit Lyme disease. FRONTLINE Plus for Cats has been trusted by pet owners for over 20 years.(2) This month-long treatment is made for cats eight weeks or older, weighing 1.5 pounds and greater. Made with two active ingredients, fipronil and (S)-methoprene, this treatment breaks the flea life cycle by killing adult fleas as well as the eggs and larvae and prevents new infestations. One fast-acting topical application protects for a full 30 days. References: (1) BI Marketing Excellence Survey performed by Kynetec, November 2023. (2) 20 years of trust in killing fleas and ticks demonstrated by various studies in the past 20 years including a 2002 Pet Owner Brand Awareness and Attitude Tracking Study performed by Bruno and Ridgway Research Associates and the 2023 BrandSpark© American Trust Study where FRONTLINE Brand Products were voted most trusted for brand for flea & tick prevention.